Plantar Warts are small growths on the feet, they often show as small black dots, clusters or under a layer of callous. Your Chiropodist will be able to diagnose a plantar wart and offer a treatment based on the severity of growth.
Your Chiropodist will debride (scrape) the wart to improve the application and penetration of a professional prescribed strength acid to eliminate the wart. Keep in mind, they can be very stubborn to treat and may require weekly to bi-weekly treatments.
For the very stubborn warts we have invested in new technology with microwave energy. The thermal reaction creates an immune response to help your immune system fight off the virus causing the wart. This is very helpful if you have multiple warts. Your visits to the office will also be less frequent as we will only need to have you in the clinic once a month for follow-up treatments.
For more severe cases your Chiropodist may discuss in-office surgical options.
If you have been suffering with plantar warts for days, weeks, months or years, we will help you determine the most effective and cost-efficient management plan.
Treats: Plantar Warts
Fungus (Nail):
Topical treatment for Fungal Toenails requires your Chiropodist to properly prepare the nail for anti-fungal treatment by debriding (filing) the nail. The Chiropodist will prescribe you with the anti-fungal treatment to apply.
Treats: Nail Fungus
Fungus (Skin)
Topical Treatment for Fungus of the skin will require your Chiropodist to do an assessment of your skin and condition to provide you with a prescription for a topical anti-fungal treatment.
Treats: Athlete’s Foot, Tinea Pedis